4 TikTok Spring Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Home Shine

Spring is in the air as well as the dander, pollen, and dust that comes with it. While we’re excited to pull back our curtains, swing open our windows, and let our homes soak in warm sun rays, we’ve also got to roll up our sleeves and get to our annual spring cleaning rituals. Since the thought of tackling every dust bunny, stubborn stain, and pile of clutter can be overwhelming, we thought we’d find some hacks to make spring cleaning more efficient and easy this year. As it turns out, TikTok has some of the best cleaning hacks that are quite effortless. The following tips will have you feeding two birds with one scone!


Showers can be covered with built-up dirt and grime, and when it's time to clean we usually drench our shower with cleansers, let them set, then get to scrubbing. According to @jessmapes, the best way to clean your shower is while you shower. All you’ll need is a brush equipped with a soap dispenser. Fill it with disinfectant dish soap and scrub the walls and floors while you shower. Talk about a win-win!


Not tall enough to reach the top of your bathroom mirror? Use @maizimmy's cleaning hack to remove watermarks and dust without having to get the stepstool. Simply spray your mirror with your go-to glass cleaner, attach a microfiber polishing cloth to a Swiffer Sweeper, and use the mop to wipe the mirror as if you were a professional window cleaner. Voila! No more streaks or tippy toes!


@mama_mila_ shares her tips on how she cleans her oven while she sleeps. Simply mix together baking soda, Dawn dish soap and water into a paste. Line the inside of your microwave with it, and leave to soak overnight. Rub off the paste with vinegar and watch it all shine. So easy, most of the work can be done while you sleep!


Tired of washing your tomato-stained plastic ware over and over with minimal results? Don’t toss it out! @Cleaningfever has just the trick! Simply pour hot water, dish soap and kitchen napkins in with the lid on, give it a good shake and leave it to soak. The kitchen napkins *should* suck up those nasty stains and leave your plastic as good as new.

While we may think we know all the classic ways of tidying our home, chances are there are still a few tricks out there we haven’t tried. Hopefully, these inventive hacks decrease your cleaning time and give you more time to enjoy the season!

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